My First Blog

This is my first blog i've ever created. Today I was a little bit in an exhaustion. Shop was packed from 7 onwards till midnight. Most of them were regulars. They normally come on wednesday or thursday. Maybe because of our couple of day offs which falls on mondays and tuesdays.

There's nothing much than the usual except for the rain. It rained since morning till around 9 p.m. And the weather, of course will remain the same till the end of the year, as most of us been told by the weatherman.

I got home after midnight. And after taking the shower, the newspaper will be the first thing to grab after the TV remote control. Watch the nightline news and at the same time reading the papers. How odd is that, huh...

Well, its not the news that i would be reading. It's the sales add, cartoons, jokes, puzzles, pictures here, there and everywhere. (The Star Metro, Section Two). As for the news, lets just say the TV is doing its purpose.

But as for today, December 13, is the day I created my own blog. Pathetic, right? You could say that! I was suppose to have my own blog years before instead of having stuff like Myspace right now. Very like high school. :)

I started making this blog at 1 a.m. and up till now, i have no idea, not even a clue how to do it...I just followed the steps. Very very typical! Muahahahahha..... LOL

Monday, January 4, 2010

Cafe..... Cafe... Cafe..... Stylo milo

Bulan lepas aku ngan Boboy ada trip kije kawin kat Batu Pahat.... Hahahah kalo korang nak taw... masa dalam perjalanan balik ke muar tu, we came across ada satu warong ni...
Aku tanya kat Boboy, "Nak beli ke?? Dah lama tak makan ikan keli bakar ni.. bah betahun lamanya." "Abg nak beli, beli lah", Boboy cakap. So apa lagi, aku pon wat la U-turn ala-ala drift... Ahahaha (Ye la tu)...
Mula-mula tak pasan pon namanya sugar cane cafe tu sebab pix ni Boboy yang snapped. Warong tu sempoi je... ada la sorang akak ni yang bakarkan ikan-ikan tu then maybe adiknya kot yang jaga air tebu tu.. ngan ditemani ayam-ayam kampung. Tapi mana Chicken BBQ tu?? Xde pown...
Anyway, aku beli la ikan keli at RM10. dapat 10 ekor.... Can u imagime sekor dia jual singgit je? Hmmmm leh balik modal ke?? Sebab kalo beli yang mentah kat pasar tani ke Tesco ke Econsave ke, sekilo pon dah rm4.50-rm5.00...
Pape je lah, janji aku dapat makan ikan keli bakar yang sekian lama dah tak terjamah... hu huh uhu.... Selamat maju jaya Sugar Cane Cafe... Maybe a few years lagi sana ada jual latte ngan sugar cane ice blended frappucino! nyum nyum nyum...

Rumah Melaka *Aje nye yer ko!

Cewahhhh... Rumah Melaka tu... hahahaha..... Senang je nak taw umah Melaka... Tengok tiles yang ada pada tangga.. and mostly rumah-rumah yang ada kat Negori Sombilan dekat-dekat border pon sama la jugak camni...
Tiles dah dah berpuluh-puluh tahun lamanya still intact. Susah nak carik tiles yang sebegitu rupa dah. Dah considered antique kan..
The trip to Mini Malaysia was not such a bad idea... there is so much we Malaysians can learn. Different states clothes, house design and crafts.
Tak la mahal mana pon, just 10 bucks should do the trick to kill some time a.k.a holiday... Visit there sometime, you'll find it interesting... =]

HEMP Bag!!! What the &%#@*&*

HAhahaha ni la "Hemp Bag" yang aku came across masa jalan-jalan kat Jonker Street, Melaka. Sukan jugak ke sana tapi only available on Fidays, Saturdays and Sundays. Kalau pergi sekali-sekala tu ok la kalo selalu tu nanti naik muhsan la plak...
Deorang kata mostly cam Gurney Walk, Penang. Entah la, aku tak penah gi sana lagi pon. Hu huhu.... Kalo u olls nak carik barang2 antik, gi la sana. macam-macam ada... gigi pelesu nyonya tua pon korang nak beli, belilah.. pon ada jugak.. Sekarang ni kan YES, maybe ada discount... hahahahaha..... =]

BIG Apple!

Some of my favourites.. mostly semuanya chocolate. huhuhuhuhu.... Aku nye kemaruk nak makan donut ni is drive all the way to Padang Palawan... beli donuts then balik.. but but but sebelum balik tu singgah la mamam dulu.. waffle A&W.. Ahahahahha... tu pon favourite aku jugak..... waffle yang panas then ice cream ngan strawberry jam yang ramai... Fuiyoo pejam mata ala2 poyo masa menikmatinya... Kekekkeke...
You know, i have no idea actually, really why Dunkin Donuts have crahsed their reputation.. Kalo guna Cafe World, reputation tu cam 15.o..... Dulu minat gak Dunkin Donuts tapi sekarang ni doughnyer makin keras, balik kat dinding pon leh retak.... Tataw la nape deorang ni tak jaga quality padahal time-time camni J-Co ada, Krustee Crepes (betul ke ejaan ni) Big Apple pon ada as their competiton. Rasanya tauke Dunkin Donuts ni nak tunggu saat lingkup je ke, tak tahw la eden. =]

Genting during Xmas

Tralalalala..... Hahahaha... few days sblm Xmas sempat jugak naik Genting masa nak hantar Meow2 balik... Cantik deco Xmas Genting....
Tapi biasa la Genting time-time festive season ni. Orang dah cam semut kat gula-gula Hacks. Aku rasa cam nak membedok je sekor-sekor yang menghalang lalu lintas.
Kalo nak jalan tu jalan lah.. ni boleh ke pas je turun escalator tu leh terpacak tataw mana nak pegi; kiri ke kanan ke nak patah balik ke.
Time masa kat tu katanya ramai guests from China... biasala ngan slang RR nyer tu.. mmg leh spot the diffrence between local and from mainland, of course.
However, aku lepak kat sana jap je sblm aku head balik ke KL since ada kije nak wat malam tu.
Nak tak nak by 7pm nak kena gerak la, if nit tak sempat for meeting... Nasib baik meeting tak la formal so pakai sempoi-sempoi je pon dah ok la kiranya tu.... From my point of view, Genting tu ok kalau tak sesak sangat, sebab kalau da sesak sangat dah tak enjoy padahal situ tempat untuk kita holiday. Nak expand? maybe in another 100 donkey years agaknya... huh uhuhu....